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In 2010, the Winslows stopped playing together, and I pondered the idea of starting another pop punk band. I had song ideas that were riff-oriented, and wouldn't work with other groups I was playing in. Jaclyn moved to town from chicago and came by, at the advice of her boyfriend Josh. She'd heard I was the guy to talk to if she wanted to play in a local band. So we jammed, and she played really fast, and it was awesome. We got Garrett to play bass. I wanted to write songs that were really dark, while also being poppy. For months, I wore gym shorts, and the Gaze practiced like every day. I thought we were going to get huge, but eventually Jaclyn moved back to Chicago and I got busy with other stuff. These songs were recorded and mixed on Wilson's laptop, with cubase. I always wanted to try to do a better mix, with more familiar software, or at least get it less 'loud'. We also always played the songs more fast than good. I guess there's something admirable about that.