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You probably wondering how, with no money, I was able to escape my hometown and move to Saint Augustine, a place I'd never been to before. Well, I was invited by my friend Evan who wanted to start a pop punk band with me. It seemed like a fine thing to do, especially since a lot of the solo shows people booked for me were not actually shows. They were just parties, and I was expected to beg people to watch me play and buy my cds. And I was duped into being the meme of the guy at the party with a guitar. With a band, you might expect the show to have a p.a. system, assuring you that you are indeed playing a show, and if not, your band will be loud enough to force people to pay attention. It all sounded good. So we got Matt Pius, the coolest guy in town, and taught him to play bass. At the time, I wasn't listening to much music that was punk or pop punk. I thought most of it was too bland, or bro-ish. Also, I didn't know what to write songs about that might represent the band as a group. None of these things mattered. We were the new band in town, and we were having fun, and everyone was having fun. The exported mix of this album doesn't sound like it did when I was mixing it in Sonor. The vocals came out way too loud, and it's too late to fix it. It was probably for the best, because after all, the vocals are usually really loud in popular music.
There was also a new label in town, The People's Republic of Rock and Roll, which our friend Jacob was running. Even though it was a tape and not a record, we were tapelabelmates with bands like The Fleshies, Underground Railroad to Candyland, Alligator, Tubers, Brainworms, and Future Virgins. So it was all pretty exciting for us and the kids who raged at our shows.