Super Famicom split with Noah Eagle

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In the summer of 2011, Noah and I had been housemates for a year. He's one of my best pals, and I've always intended to support his musical endeavors. I don't know whose idea it was to do a split, but I was down. In fact, I needed to be doing more splits. At the time I was doing a lot of loud singing and loud screaming, and felt like I had a strong voice. Half my tracks on this are serious, and done with acoustic guitar. The others are weird and heavy, including a powerviolence song about my friend Garrett Oliver getting his drivers license. Justine did the cover art.

The Bottom by Super Famicom

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This is Super Famicom's punk album, and I was sick of everyone's crap. I 2011, I'd been living on the bottom for a good four years. I wrote some songs that I thought were funny, at the expense of a world I didn't like. It seemed like a lot of punks liked this album, and thought it was cool. It felt pretty neat while it lasted. You may have noticed how this album has two covers, one is on the far right of the above image. I don't know why I haven't used two covers for an album in the future, since I thought it was pretty cool, to do one just as a Fuck You to whomever isn't punk enough for me.

Priority Male by Dildozer

Buy the Tape - Paypal $10 Stream it - YouTube Download it - Nextcloud In 2014, Dildozer made a full-length with some new songs an...