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This is the 2nd commission I got to do a game soundtrack, but the First to get a commercial release. This game was in development for a long time, and I knew I wanted to do the soundtrack for it. So I bugged Spoonweaver about it until he gave me the go ahead. I tried to give him a deal by charging for the overall minutes for the soundtrack. And it might have been a mistake on my end to try to make all of the songs around 30 seconds long, seeing how they repeat throughout the game's levels. But I think the end result is awesome. I used Deflemask to program the YM2612 chip (from the Sega Genesis), and I think it sounds good. You should check out the game and maybe pass my name along to any of your friends who happen to be into game design. Thanks to game music, this last January was the most prolific month of my life. And I just want more.